What is the Business Plan for?

What is the Business Plan for?

What is the Business Plan for? 1132 738 pjasocial

The business plan is an indispensable tool for those who want to start and run a business because it allows you to break it down into all its elements and evaluate its feasibility. Through the sections of the business plan it is possible, in fact, to analyze the context in which the new company fits – the business environment – and the internal characteristics of the company itself. The business plan is even more. It is also a useful control tool, which allows you to evaluate the performance of the company compared to the projections.

It is an essential document to seize very useful opportunities. The business plan is required to apply for a company to apply for funding or to participate in mobility programs offered by the European Community such as Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs – by the way: you know that Project Ahead, partner of Dialogue Place, is the the only intermediary in Campania for this program?

Our incubators, co-workers and entrepreneurs who want to participate in the European Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program immediately come across this tool, which is by no means the terrible monster that appears.

To inform you about the main elements that compose it and to illustrate its function, we organized an event in the spaces of Dialogue Place, in the Spanish Quarters of Naples, on October 26th at 4pm. With us there will be friends of the Youth Forum of the Campania Region. , ENEA and Burkina Bell.

What will we talk about? Of the opportunities offered by the European Commission to train and develop their entrepreneurial talent in Europe … and business plans, of course!

See you there! We are on the third floor of FOQUS – Spanish Quarters Foundation.

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