Emotional intelligence in workspace is the title of our upcoming workshop, that will take place in our spaces. The workshop is oriented on capacity building and skills’ enhancement.
There will be two meetings:
Thursday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd December 2021 from 4 PM to 7.30 PM. Together with Project Ahead, we’re going to address the importance of emotional intelligence in workspaces.
Considered as one of the most researched skills from the enterprises’ managers, the ability of recognising and managing colleagues’ moods and feelings is as important as being good at theirs work.
This workshop is open to young students, workers, third sector operators involved in frequent interaction and willing to improve the quality of their social relationship and take the opportunity of personal growth.
The first meeting is due on December 2nd from 4 PM to 7.30 PM at Dialogue Place Coworking space at Via della Sapienza, 18 Naples.
The participants, led by Roberto Rossetto – Trainer & Learning Facilitator, can learn what it is emotional intelligence, and which skills can enhance the emotional quotient, which are the most important elements of emotional sphere, that should be considered to evaluate a co-worker’s performance.
Emotional Intelligence in workplace workshop’s agenda:
December 2nd:
4PM -5.30 PM Welcoming and Introduction + “What do I expect from the others?” Elements of a coworker’s performance evaluation.
5.30 PM -6 PM Coffee Break
6 PM – 7.30 PM Definition of Emotional Intelligence + EI skills framework [D. Goleman]
The second meeting will take place on Friday, December 3rd from 4 PM to 7.30 PM at Dialogue Place, and it will be the perfect occasion to train the judgment of self-consciousness and skills relevant to emotional Intelligence.
December 3rd:
4 PM- 5.30 PM Self-consciousness Archetypes [Tasha Eurich]+ SelfAwareness test.
5.30 PM -6 PM Coffee Break
6 PM – 7 PM train EI
To participate, subscribe here.
Greenpass owners only.
The initiative is realised within the framework of the project Qworking – Space and services for young and social entrepreneurship, a project that protects and enforces entrepreneurial social and Neapolitan heritage, developed by Project Ahead with Fondazione Terzo Pilastro support.
Qworking info here.