The FORK People to Change project continues with the workshop activities aimed at young people between 18 and 35 years of age who want to acquire knowledge and skills in the technological and artisan fields. The participation of young people in the area is the most important result of the project, a sign of the real interest of the local community in the proposed activities.
The workshops are organized by Sagapò in collaboration with Informatici Senza Frontiere, Sheralo and Hub Makerspace. FORK is an innovative learning opportunity for the participants, since the proposed courses favor the acquisition of technical, theoretical and practical skills through a methodology that provides not only lectures, but above all activities developed with a view to “learning by doing” .
It is precisely through the conception and creation of objects that the trainers transmit their knowledge and the participants bring their creativity to life. The “doing together” also allows an active involvement of the participants who become co-authors of the workshops, appropriate them and transform them according to their ideas and their inventiveness.
I laboratori sono organizzati da Sagapò in collaborazione con Informatici Senza Frontiere, Sheralo e Hub Makerspace. FORK è un’opportunità di apprendimento innovativa per i partecipanti, poiché i percorsi proposti favoriscono l’acquisizione di competenze tecniche, teoriche e pratiche attraverso una metodologia che prevede non soltanto lezioni frontali, ma soprattutto attività sviluppate nell’ottica del “learning by doing”.
È proprio attraverso l’ideazione e la realizzazione di oggetti che i formatori trasmettono il loro sapere e i partecipanti danno vita alla loro creatività. Il “fare insieme”, inoltre, permette un coinvolgimento attivo dei partecipanti che diventano co-autori dei laboratori, se ne appropriano e li trasformano secondo le loro idee e la loro inventiva.

We talked about it with Pasquale Leone, trainer of the robotics and home automation laboratory: “This project gives the young people of the area the opportunity to give shape to that typical creativity of the Neapolitan people through often distant tools, but with an even minimal cost they allow you to create things that weren’t there before. Even if in the south of Italy these skills are not immediately workable, this methodology of “learning by doing” allows to broaden the field of possible solutions. “.
The proposed laboratories are clearly connected to new technologies and to the “internet of things”.

Antonio Mele, trainer of the digital fabrication and 3D printing laboratory sees this activity as “an opportunity to share his digital fabrication experiences in a new territorial reality.” Antonio sees in the digital fabrication a tool through which young people can open up to new knowledge. “In recent years we have heard more and more about new digital manufacturing technologies and industry 4.0. During the theoretical / practical laboratory, the skills in this area are transmitted to the participants to allow them to acquire specific skills to enrich their cultural and professional background, so that they can face the world of 3D printing, CNC pantographs and digital manufacturing with greater familiarity. “.
FORK integrates with other projects carried out by Sagapò and Project Ahead to help young talents to emerge and propose their own social enterprise idea. One example is the “Social Change Wave”, the start-up contest dedicated to social innovation that involves young people, experts and mentors from all over Italy.
FORK s’integra ad altri progetti portati avanti da Sagapò e Project Ahead per aiutare giovani talenti ad emergere e a proporre la propria idea d’impresa sociale. Ne è un esempio il “Social Change Wave”, lo start-up contest dedicato all’innovazione sociale che coinvolge giovani, esperti e mentor di tutta Italia.

Francesco Marinelli, trainer of the upcycling laboratory, won the 2017 edition with Sheralo. According to Francesco “the most important thing about the event was the possibility of establishing the team that then carried on the idea. After a year and a half one of the people met at the Social Change Wave is still part of the project and together we continue the social promotion of upcycling. Another fundamental point was the approach to a methodology that we did not know, which allowed us to make our project “scientific” and to understand how to create our social enterprise “.

The next edition of the Social Change Wave will be held on 13 and 14 April at Dialogue Place and will see the participation of young changemakers supported by leading personalities specialized in different sectors and coming from all over the country who will collaborate in the realization of business ideas for high social impact.