Social Change Wave 2019

Social Change Wave 2019

Social Change Wave 2019 1121 732 pjasocial

Social Change Wave 2019: the time has come to create a Social Business!

To all those who have a business idea and want to take the first steps to turn it into a social business; to all those who feel they are operators of change; to all those who want to train creativity to solve existing social problems in the community: the time has come to get involved!

The Project Ahead cooperative with the Sagapò Association and their partners are preparing the VII edition of the Social Change Wave, the contest dedicated to social innovation concentrated in one weekend.
On April 12th, 13th and 14th in Naples, in the Dialogue Place incubator, potential innovators who have identified a social challenge and are looking for a team to solve it, will take the first steps to transform their business ideas into social business, with the support of experts, mentors and inspiration speakers from all over Italy. The theme on which the works will focus is the creation of businesses capable of creating social impact through innovative approaches that look at new technologies, social and cultural inclusion, but also creativity, with a view to social and economic sustainability.
Those who have an idea of ​​social enterprise with these characteristics will be able to expose it to the Social Change Wave and have the opportunity to develop it accompanied by a work team and experts who will help to make it a reality. Project Ahead, Sagapò and their partners will join forces to assist potential entrepreneurs on their entrepreneurial growth path. Through a speed dating, a learning by creating path and the study of successful case histories, they will face with them the fundamental steps to evaluate the ideas of change, evaluate them, eventually destroy and rebuild them, plan the business model and thus have useful tools for start planning their start up. A two-day full immersion to understand administrative, bureaucratic and economic aspects but above all to understand how it is built
A winning idea. Do not keep your dream hidden in the drawer yet: take part in the Social Change Wave, a weekend-long path of contamination and training for those who feel they are entrepreneurs with a social impact or for those who want to find out if they can ever become one.
Applications by April 6th from the link
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